quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

Darling, seriously, keep it to yourself.

Deixo aqui a minha homenagem a um dos maiores mestres de Harmonica Blues que já passou por este planeta.


Sonny Boy Williamson - Keep it to Yourself

Baby, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself.
Please, darling, do me a favor, keep our business to yourself.
I don't want you to tell nobody in your family,
And don't mention it to nobody else.

Don't tell your mother,
Don't tell your father,
Don't tell your sister,
Don't mention it to your brother,
Please, darling, keep our business to yourself.
Don't you tell nobody,
And don't mention it to nobody else.

You have a husband,
I have a wife,
If you start to talkin,
That's gonna mess up our life,
Please, please baby, keep our business to yourself.
Don't you tell nobody,
And don't mention it to nobody else.
Goodbye darlin.

quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009

Are we alone?

"Where does it come from, this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered? Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are here. Yet still we struggle to make a difference, to change the world, to dream of hope, never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way. Who among the world of strangers will hold our hand, touch our hearts, and share the pain of trying?
We dream of hope, we dream of change, of fire, of love, of death. And then it happens; the dream becomes real, and the answer to this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries finally shows itself like the glowing light of the new dawn. So much struggle for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic and the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred. To connect. And to know in our hearts... that we are not alone."

Mohinder Suresh, "Heroes"

quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2009

I think I love you Elenore love me

Adoro a letra desta música.
Ah, e não esqueçamos o visual da banda, que enlouquecia muitas das raparigas da altura. xD
Acreditem, nos anos 70, o penteado "afro" ou o charmoso bigode davam resultado. ;)

Não obstante, é uma música espectacular.
Apesar de não ser muito conhecida (a música), considero-a uma música a não perder. :)


The Turtles - Elenore
You’ve got a thing about you
I just can’t live without you
I really want you Elenore near me

Your looks intoxicate me
Even though your folks hate me
There’s no one like you Elenore really

Elenore gee I think you’re swell
And you really do me well
You’re my pride and joy etcetera

Elenore can I take the time
To ask you to speak your mind
Tell me that you love me better

I really think you’re groovy
Let’s go out to a movie
What do you say now Elenore can we?

They’ll turn the lights way down low
Maybe we won’t watch the show
I think I love you Elenore love me

Elenore gee I think you’re swell
And you really do me well
You’re my pride and joy etcetera

Elenore can I take the time
To ask you to speak your mind
Tell me that you love me better

Elenore gee I think you’re swell ah ha
Elenore gee I think you’re swell ah ha a a a…

segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2009


Sabem aquelas situações que vocês não sabem donde apareceram, nem como se enfiaram dentro delas, e que são tão complicadas e estúpidas ao mesmo tempo, que também não sabem como hão-de sair das ditas cujas ?

Um "Viva" para essas situações que nos "torram" a cabeça, sem o merecermos.

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009

In a Landscape

Um tributo da minha parte a um compositor que descobri à pouco tempo...
Um conselho, ouçam as criações dele.
Não será perda de tempo.
